Ramadan known as month of Quran, month of Revelation has arrived. It is the month when Allah swt descended the Quran upon Prophet Muhammad sws to guide whole of mankind. The achievement of 23 years life of our noble prophet sws, reminds us the importance of Quran to our life. How Quran can transcend ignorance with enlightment, decline with revival. Indeed this is the guideline i.e. huda which helped the ignorant Arabs from the desert, living in the margin of history to transform into the best generation of people in human history. This is the book that helped those Arab to lead the world and rule the world with justice, provided security and prosperity unprecedented in human history.
Yet looking at today’s reality where not just the Muslim world but the whole world is suffering, more than 3 billion people are living under utter poverty, the cycle of war and colonialisation shows no sign of abating, our rulers behave the worst with us and behave the best with our enemies, we indeed need to ponder and question what went wrong? Despite having so much material progress in selective parts of the world why the humanity is not finding peace and tranquility? Why ideas propagated and accepted by human kind like democracy, good governance failed to offer responsible rulers as in the case of Asif Ali Zardari, Shiekh Hasina, Obama, or Cameroon etc? Why ideas like free market policies failed to solve our economic problems like poverty? Why ideas like freedom and liberty has failed to give us persistent tranquility in living? Indeed these unfulfilled challenges push us to think regarding our commitment to our creator Allah swt.
Allah swt in Quran says, “O you who believe! Fulfill (your) obligations.” (Sura Al-Ma’idah: 01)Yet looking at today’s reality where not just the Muslim world but the whole world is suffering, more than 3 billion people are living under utter poverty, the cycle of war and colonialisation shows no sign of abating, our rulers behave the worst with us and behave the best with our enemies, we indeed need to ponder and question what went wrong? Despite having so much material progress in selective parts of the world why the humanity is not finding peace and tranquility? Why ideas propagated and accepted by human kind like democracy, good governance failed to offer responsible rulers as in the case of Asif Ali Zardari, Shiekh Hasina, Obama, or Cameroon etc? Why ideas like free market policies failed to solve our economic problems like poverty? Why ideas like freedom and liberty has failed to give us persistent tranquility in living? Indeed these unfulfilled challenges push us to think regarding our commitment to our creator Allah swt.
Moreover, Allah swt says, “If anyone desires a deen (i.e. way of life) other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have gone astray.” (Sura Ali Imran: 85).
Therefore, the challenges of Quran are eternal and directed to all humankind.
You will never have Economic Prosperity, unless….
For the economic emancipation, solving poverty, achieving high level sustained prosperity the debate between privatization and nationalization has taken huge toll on the life of human. Indeed the whole world has witness more than 70 years history of cold war between USSR and the Capitalist world led by the USA. There has been millions of people killed, butchered, mutilated, old-women-children were put to starve, war fought, houses destroyed, millions of human hopes had been shattered to fight the battle of these ideas.
While the capitalist world tried to portray is apparent economic success through colonialisation of vast areas of Indian subcontinent for around 200 years, Middle East for around 50 years, Africa for about hundred years, Latin America for around decades - thereby ensuring cheap raw materials sourced via looting and mugging, ensuring cheap labor via forced slavery in colonizlized lands; the communist USSR has subjugated its own people administered by notorious GULAG in labor and concentration camps. A report estimates that on March 1940, there were 53 separate camps and 423 labor colonies in the USSR. More than 14 million people passed through the Gulag from 1929 to 1953, with a further 6 to 7 million being deported and exiled to remote areas of the USSR. The conditions were so horrible that, Andrei Vyshinsky, procurator of the Soviet Union, wrote a memorandum to NKVD chief Nikolai Yezhov in 1938 which stated:
“ …the prisoners have deteriorated to the point of losing any resemblance to human beings. Lacking food . . . they collect orts [refuse] and, according to some prisoners, eat rats and dogs.”
However, at the beginning of 1990s USSR accepting defeat dismantled its economic system and headed towards privatization and free market policies. Other communist countries like China, Germany, Vietnam, Cambodia etc. followed the same path. Now the question is, if privatization and free market is the destination that USSR settled with, who should be held responsible for the million of people perished? Why these people were forced to suffer? Is it that the life and hope of these millions of individual means nothing to them?
Similarly, on the other hand, the capitalist world calling for free market and privatization has forced hundreds of governments across the globe especially in third and developing countries to make economic reforms and forced millions of people to loose jobs. For example in Bangladesh the closure of world largest jute mills i.e. the Adamjee Jute mills has directly forced 300000 people to be unemployed and therefore affecting around 1.5 million people indirectly. Hundreds of employees were forced to be rickshaw puller in the street of Dhaka and elsewhere across Bangladesh. To aid a free market model of so called infinite growth, countries after countries has been colonizlized. USA, UK, French, Spain, Italy run labor camps during the golden age of their colonial era. Several British concentration camps in South Africa resulted around 24-28 thousands people killed. In fact USA still has around 700 unannounced concentrated labor camps. Indeed the British and American Raj has not been built automatically. It is a beneficiary of an economic model that under the guise of free market and privatization colonizlized the world. However, during the recent financial crisis in the west, they are desperately trying to save themselves form the ruin of capitalism and free market via nationalization of their giant MNCs. Those people, whose life, labor and time have been purchased by these corporations against salary in the natural process of free enterprise system, have been fired in millions during this crisis. In the USA form 2008 to till today on an average 6.5 lacks employees has been laid off or fired on monthly basis to save these corporations. Now these people have been left with choices like starvation, suicide, alcohol, drugs and frustrations. If nationalization is the ultimately panacea for these capitalist, why these millions of people across the world was forced to pay the price via privatization policy forced upon them by IMF and World Bank? Why the general masses must pay via advance tax for the havoc caused by the weapon of mass economic destruction i.e. the system of free enterprise?
Indeed these inhuman economic ideas of both ends have caused untold suffering, human tragedies and pains of very personal nature. And indeed 1500 years back the Glorious Quran has challenged these ideologues who still try to make up their own economic model between the paradigm of privatization and nationalization. Quran challenges all those policy makers, treasury secretaries from Washington to Westminster, form Tokyo to Toronto that no matter what economic model you come up with, you can not have a sound sleep; the economic tsunami will visit you and grab you to financial insecurity. The Quran challenges the every heads of state be from Muslim or non-muslim world, that no matter what ever the level of your technological achievements are, whatever the level of your indigenous natural resources are, you can never solve poverty, hunger, basic economic needs, you can never win the heart and mind of people, you can never have sustainable economic progress as long as you accept the solution from Quran. This is a direct, historical and personal challenge from Allah swt via the glorious book of Quran to these rulers in democracy or dictatorship and to these so called enlightened policy makers in IMF, World Bank and central banks across the worlds.
It is not only for those who makes and implements these failed policies, but also for those, who accepts these economic prescriptions brought to them by their leaders and intellectuals; by being blind to the past records of the failure of these prescriptions. Quran challenges that, even if you are the best creation of Allah, Birds in the forest will have their belly filled while you will remain in abject poverty, malnutrition as long as you trust these idiots and support their democratic free market policies forsaking Quranic economic solutions as presented in the following verses.
“Lest it circulates solely among the wealthy from amongst you.” [Al-Hashr: 7]
And the verse, “Take from their wealth a Sadaqah that would purify them” [At-Tauba: 103]
And the verse, “And Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury” [Al-Baqarah: 275].
And many more...
You will never be Secured and Succeed. Unless….
Anyone who studies history of the world can easily recall how brutally the USA has inflicted havoc upon the civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by dropping little boy and fat man during Second World War, ultimately caused more than 72 million deaths. The world also remembers how Japanese army has almost killed 10% of entire people living in Peon Young during the 2nd world war. How brutal they have been that in public Japanese army forced father to rape daughters or son was forced to rape mother in front of families. The First World War also caused around 60 million people deaths. The world still remembers how in Rwanda the Hutu and the Tutsi killed each other on wholesale scale where an estimated 25000 people has been killed on daily basis. The world still remembers how the civil war in the continental Europe was fought and the most famous ‘Thirty Years War’ caused more than 11 million people to perish during 1600s when the world has very little population. Moreover the Russian civil war, the American civil war, Napoleonic Wars, Vietnam War, Medieval Chinese and European wars, and thousands more wars were fought by the westerners. Indeed the USA in its approximately 240 years of life has fought more than 235 wars up to the current Iraq and Afghanistan war. These wars killed hundreds and million of civilians. Most of their death is because they were unfortunate in living during those periods.
The question is for what these wars have been fought? What is the specific idea that led to such level of massive killing of innocents? The answer is nationalism. Indeed this is what nationalism has given to the world. The diseases that corrupted the mind of the western philosophers and inflicted upon human being by the western leaders have also inflicted the Muslims world during the 1800s. In fact this is the reason for which the Muslim world is divided into more than 50 state lets after the destruction of Khilafah by the European colonialist. In recent time the affect of such poison is exemplified by Iraq-Iran war, 1971 East-west Pakistan war, and now the civil war in Sudan etc. The innocent civilian killed by being aspired with inhuman ideas of nationalism and domination who takes the responsibility? Who takes the responsibility of these crimes and genocides? Who? Tell me who?
Have the peace loving people of this world found any solution? No not at all? It is nationalism for which the west who even don’t love the sound of spoon and fork during meal, but love the sound of atomic boom on Japan or millions of tons of bombardment in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is nationalism for which the West who care for animals like dog or cat and makes law to protect these animals; but kills and spills Muslims blood as if the Muslims are less than animals. By breaking Khilafah into state lets; pseudo-independent states, whether Muslims world today have any international standing? Are we commanding any respect today form the rest of the world or we are weak, divided or humiliated?
This is the challenge of Al-Quran for Muslims and non-muslims. It the challenge of Quran for the Muslims who thought creating a nationalistic state and having an idol called ‘father of nation’ presented to them by the west be in the name of Jinnah, Kamal Attartuk, Shiekh Mujib etc. will make them safe, prosperous and independent. How dumb we are!
The Glorious Quran challenges us and orders us to be like one ummah. Allah swt says in Quran, "And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah’s favor on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islam), and you were on the brink of a pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His ayath (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided" (Sura Ali Imran: 105).
And Quran says, "And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment." (Sura Al An’ am: 159.
It is Quran clear and unequivocal in its challenge that, you get divided, just wait and there is awful torment. The Muslims has been experiencing this torment in this world. After the destruction of Khilafah with nationalism we the Muslim have created a world where we certainly know what will be the headlines of news in next day. It will be either Gaza Massacre or massacre in Jenin, Kashmir; or the prison camps in Bagram, Abu Garib, Guantanamo; or Civilian killing in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine; or the conflict in Somalia, Darfur, in Lebanon; or the dishonor and humiliation of Quran, prophet sws, hijab row etc. This has been and still is the challenges form Al-Quran. However, in the Hereafter, how difficult it will be only Allah knows.
Therefore, Quran today challenges the caller of nationalism, tribalism i.e. all the head of states be it Ahmadinejad, Edgoran, Abdullah, Asif ali Zardari, Mahmud Abbas, Susilo Bambang, Shiekh Hasina, Faisal or whoever may be for that; you will be destined to fail and will make the ummah to fail with your call. This is a challenge? This is a challenge for those amongst us, who had decades of suffering enough and still chanting the call for nationalism. This challenge is also for an ordinary Muslim in Bangladesh, Pakistan or in Iran who loves to live under nationalistic feud ignoring the call of Allah and glorify their so called father of nations. It is the challenge to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Libya etc. that you as a nation can not and will not be entrusted with security, prosperity and success as long as you harbor those who calls for nationalism, division or fragmentation and denounce to support those who calls for unification and Khilafah. This is the challenge of Quran and indeed this is a live challenge.
You can not have Tranquility and peace, unless…..
There are quite a few number of self proclaimed, media mushroomed intellectuals who openly admires western cultures, calls to get rid of social taboos, norms and values and calls for the practice of such western culture in muslim world. Honestly these people calls for freedom in their living and discredit Islamic values, social system and customs by labeling them as backdated and conservatives. With the support of western media, finance and structures these so called, self proclaimed intellectuals want to see the western image in Muslim society. They call for stopping marriage before 18 and lobby for regulations to be enacted. They call for free mixing, alcohol, energy drinks, western dress codes or t-shirts and tight Jeans for Muslim girls and mock at Hijab, Jilbab etc.
Indeed with the support of our ruler these western cultures have become quite common in most part of Muslim world. O the Muslims! Please ponder what in fact they are calling for? And what they are up against? Is the experience of the west healthy? Can we call them civilized?
A record of 54 billion dollar revenue generated form porn industry out of which 32% comes form teenage porn industry is some thing that speaks for liberty and freedom! The western society is a society of illegal children. They do not have any record of parent. Neither had they needed any. When they need, they go for DNA test! This is a society where animalistic freedom is allowed and it guarantees parents to have physical relation with own children. This society protects the right for someone to go for same gender marriage. These societies have animal sex shops to satisfy human desire. They produce naturalist, adulterers, and drinkers!
So Quran has a challenge to the caller of this life style which is devoid of any spiritual touch.
Quran says very clearly, "And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a faahishah (a great sin) and an evil way." (Sura Bani Israel : 32)
The west accepted this challenge and the result is obvious. It is if you buy freedom there is rape, abuse, torture and above all AIDS as free gifts. In a free society like UK 54% of rapes is committed by a woman’s current or former partner, lover i.e. partner is adultery. Statistic suggests that, female victims are more likely to be killed by someone they know. In 2007/8, 73% of female victims knew the main or only suspect at the time of the offence. Of these female victims, 48% were killed by their partner, ex-partner or lover. In 2005 it is estimated that worldwide, one in five women will become a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day. Imagine in a free society there is the case of rape! Moreover, 1 in 5 people with 46% of them is within 18-21 age are victim of any form of alcoholic drugs. The death rate extrapolations for drug addiction in leader of free world i.e. the United States accounts 19,102 per year, 1,591 per month, 367 per week, 52 per day, and 2 per hour. Isn’t this where these freedoms led us?
Moreover, rejecting the rules of Quran regarding marriage, they instigated a challenge against Quran. They disrespected marital system of Islam and accepted non marriage polygamy and polygene. Indeed the challenge is there and now the West and the follower of the footstep of West are facing multiple problems including the most prominent one called AIDS for which they themselves do not have any cure. Over half of new HIV infections worldwide are occurring among young people between the ages of 15 and 24, and more than 60% of HIV-positive youth in this age bracket are female. The USA is the 7th largest AIDS victim country in the world along side with the poorest countries in the world like Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. What a combination! India and South Africa tops the list with highest AIDS victims who have advanced the most in copying the western value of immorality and animalism. In 2007 there has been more than 2 million people died due the AIDS. What a perfect gift for standing against the challenge of Quran!
Like these there are other areas of challenges form Quran to humankind i.e. in education, politics, judiciary etc. If you reject the prescription from Quran, you guaranteed yourself with failure in all areas of your personal, family, social, state and international life.
Humanity must know that, the Quran is a book of truth; guidelines form Allah swt, our creator the One and the Omnipotent. This book is called as Huda, a book of signs, a book of warnings and glad tidings. The challenges of Quran are real. It is tested that, humanity has failed itself by ignoring the call vis-à-vis challenges of Quran.
Quran says, “This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun.” (Sura Baqarah: 02).
Moreover Quran says, “Alif-Lam, Ra, This is a Book that We have sent to you so that you may bring the People from darkness to light by the command of their Lord towards the path of the Honorable, the Praiseworthy.” (Sura Ibrahim: 01).
For the Kuffar who wants us to go to astray; who invests billions of dollars to delay the return of Khilafah; who plans day and night to make sure that the next generations of muslim become secular and follow their evil, inhuman ideas like freedom, democracy, liberty; who loves their own extinction more than accepting a reality that, Quran comes to our practical life and guide the whole humanity with the system of Khilafah; for you all this is a challenge form Quran. Keep going!
Allah swt says, “They plan, but Allah also plans; and indeed Allah is the best of planners.” (Sura Anfal: 30).
When the Quraysh of Mecca stood against prophet sws, every single day that passed by, they had tested nothing other than defeat. History testifies that Islam become victorious against all odds and difficulties. The challenge is again on for you, O the new generation of Quraysh!
As for the Muslims brothers and sisters across the world during the month of Quran, these and many other challenges from Quran remind us all that, there is no way to success other than fully implementing the Quran in our life. There is no way other than accepting that Quran is our only reference point for this life and is the only guarantee for success in the life hereafter. In this moth of Ramadan we must ponder why Allah swt has sent this guideline? Should it be that we will only take salah, fasting, Hajj and other personal rituals from this book and ignore all the other thousands of verses of Quran that tells us how we should set our economics, politics, judiciary, social and other system of life. If we do so Quran challenges us yet again in sura Baqarah:
“…..Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.” (Sura Baqarah: 85)."
O Allah, in this month of Quran guide us, every single believer in You, to understand that, no other solution be it democracy or dictatorship, kingship or monarchism can bring goodness to our life in both worlds except the full implementation of the system of Quran under Your shade i.e. the ‘Khilafah ala minhajun nobuwa’ and nothing can help us form Your wrath in the day of judgment except our fullest submission and Your mercy
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